Fakir e Kamil

Fakir e Kamil

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Who is perfect Fakir?

The perfect Fakir is described as the master of Faqr, possessing the highest spiritual level and absolute light of guidance. He is the one who embodies all Divine attributes and illuminates society with Divine light wherever he resides.

The perfect Fakir has seven signs:

Outwardly he seems indigent but inwardly he is independent of all desires.

Outwardly he is needy and meek but inwardly he is rich and generous.

Physically he is sorrowful but spiritually he has authority over all treasures.

Apparently he seems an implorer but inwardly he is the immortal Mystic having perfect union with Allah.

Exoterically he seems unaware of worldly knowledge but esoterically he is an excellent Mystic scholar.

In the physical world he is unknown but spiritually he is famous in the eighteen thousand realms.

Apparently he seems a follower but intrinsically he is the man of Divine Oneness.

The perfect Fakir is also referred to as the Universal Divine Man, who is the ultimate spiritual guide and holds the rank of Fakir who is the master of worlds. He is indifferent to the material world and seeks only the Sustainer (Allah).

The present perfect Fakir is Sultan Bahoo, who is described as the Fakir stationed at the highest spiritual level of ‘the master of worlds’. He is the perfect spiritual guide possessing the absolute light of guidance and is referred to as the Sultan of Mystics. Sultan Bahoo has reorganized the Qadri order and provided complete knowledge and information about the mystic way for the guidance of seekers of Allah.

Hadiths about the grandeur of the Fakirs:

Sultan Bahoo writes 40 hadiths about the grandeur of the Fakirs in his book “Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan”. To explain the grandeur of the Fakirs some of the Hadiths are mentioned below.

The Holy Prophet said, “There is a key for everything, and the key to paradise is the love of the Fakirs and Miskeens. Thence, on the Doomsday, there will be no sin upon them, and they will be seated with Allah.”

The Holy Prophet said to Abu Zar Ghaffari, “O’ Abu Zar! The Fakirs are those whose smile is prayer, whose humour is like glorification and whose sleep is charity. Allah looks towards them three hundred times a day. If one takes seventy steps to visit a Fakir, Allah grants him the reward of seventy accepted Hajj for each step. If one gives food to a Fakir in the time of need, that food will be added to his reward on the Doomsday in the form of Divine light.”

The Holy Prophet said, “On the Doomsday when Allah would gather the Fakirs and Masakeen, He would allow them to let all those people be forgiven who had given them anything in the world to eat, drink, or wear, or had helped them during trouble. Allah would say; Hold their hand and enter the Jannah.”

Sultan Bahoo ra says:

“Until Doomsday, the presence of Fakirs will bless every country from east to west, saving them from calamities.” They have right over the entire creation. Therefore, everyone, whether superior or inferior, should serve them.”(Nur-ul-Huda Kalan)


سَیِّدُ الْقَوْمِ خَادِمُ الْفُقَرَآئِ

Meaning: The ruler of the nation is the servant of the Fakirs.

Prophet Mohammad honoured Faqr and declared it his pride because Faqr is directly from Allah and has the name of Allah upon it. Consequently, jealous and hypocritical individuals, or those trapped by their own actions and backbiting, are the enemies of Faqr.” (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

خندہ بر سینہ صافان می کنی ہشیار باش

ہر کہ بر آئینہ خندد رویش خندی خود کند


Meaning: Beware! Please don’t laugh at the true mystics, as their inwards are pure and pellucid-like mirrors. One who laughs at the mirror actually laughs at himself. (Kaleed-ul-Tauheed Kalan)

“May Allah protect us from the disrespect and impertinence of the Fakirs, and provide us with the ability to serve the Fakirs. May He grant us the vision and closeness to Allah. Ameen.”

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